Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What I won't do!

What I won't do.....

#1) Oh yeah it's super bowl time....slap on the head, everyone should know it's that time of year! Nope I just learned today. I don't do football, it's dumb, and especially, double especially I don't do the super bowl.

#2) I don't decorate for Holidays, except Christmas (I have one whole box of decorations). If you ask me, Jesus would rather have me spend my money on the poor, so that's what I do!

#3) I don't paint my nails. Never, not once have I painted my nails without a ding. I swore it off this summer and I am happy about it too!

#4) I don't get up in the middle of the night to let the dogs out when they are whining. Nope, that's Enoch's job.

#5) I don't ever ever ever sleep away from the wall. (see my childhood) So that might be the reason why I don't get up to let the dogs out, it's just too hard to climb over the covers. It's just way, way, way too hard.

#6) I don't fold underwear or socks. That is also dumb!

#7) I don't wear socks with my tennis shoes when I work out, but I can get away with it, because my feet don't stink...or I'm in denial.

#8) I don't buy anything premade for dinner. Nothing! I make my own everything, soup, casserole's, bread....it's just how I was raised.

#9) I don't snore at night, I grit my teeth. I have to wear an appliance in my mouth to keep my teeth safe from myself.

#10) I don't have a dresser in my house. what? huh? no dresser? That's right folks, it can be done. But soon, I will have a desk. Yes I don't have one of those either. I tell my mom, "It's bare bones around here." But I'm not a stuff person.

Tomorrow....what I do do:0 that sounded weird. it's more like what I will do.

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