Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Getting time back!

The other day my husband and I had a conversation about getting some of our time back. We listed some things that we could do to recover the missing minutes and a huge culprit was social networks i.e. facebook and the good old bloggie blog. So, my dearest bloggie bloggers, this is the end for good. I have been on and off, in and out of bloggity blog world for a year now and I'm going to bite the bullet and get some time back and say good bye. I'm getting some much needed time back as we all know is worth much more to us than anything else we have! Over and out!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Girls talk too much!

Last week, once again, I was lamenting to Enoch about how the kids are growing up....blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda! As we were conversing, however it was hardly conversing because the only one talking was me, I realized just that, I was talking too much! Imagine that! So I stopped, and asked, "Honey, what are you thinking about." He said, "I'm thinking about bears." I nearly had a coronary I laughed so hard. Girls talk to much and guys are forced to think about bears hahahahaha!

As a side note, just because my husband is so cute, I have to share another blurb (because girls talk to much!). It was bedtime and Joseph and Enoch got into a little tiff. This left Enoch a little frazzled and upset, and I wasn't really helping because I asked him to try and be patient. Once again, I probably said too much, because when I looked over at him and (we were sitting on the couch) his eyes brows were furrowed. I noticed how stinking cute, and how rare of an occasion this was, and I took in his cuteness. Then I said, "You know, you are adorable when you're mad." He laughed immediately, my heart melted! But really I was hoping he would stay mad a little longer because truly it was a rare occasion.

Muwahhh! Love you darling!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This Easter I took a lot (three times or more than you will see in the blog) of pictures. These are all out of order, sorry! I just don't have the patience tonight!

This year I had the kids hide each others eggs and it turned out great despite the one hiccup during our first egg hunt (we had two to remedy the first).

Elizabeth laughing hysterically after she hid Joseph's eggs. I have no idea where she gets her competitiveness from.

Hello me! I opted to wait in the car while the kids hid eggs for the second time. I enjoyed the heater.

Ahhh and the hiccup. Someone (hint Elizabeth) despised the fact that none of the hiding places were up to her high standards. Hence the fact that we had a second or challenging hunt. She was mad at me for taking a picture of her being mad, but we must always accurately document holidays.

Ahhhhhh the ever beautiful, wonderful Easter er, uh bug catcher. No Easter baskets this year.

Elizabeth got a pot with Day lilies to plant.

David got a bug catcher too!

David was in charge of melting marshmallows and butter. He did fantastic!

Elizabeth was in charge of spraying the inside of the eggs with Pam.

And Joseph is filling his Easter eggs with his choice of candy.

The kids made cute nests and eggs out of Rice Krispy treats. I just finished off the batch today.

Totally busted, I tried and tried but I had to help a little!

Doing excellent work!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My hair is too poofy

This morning, my daughter stood at the mirror, brush in hand, very angry that her hair wouldn't cooperate. Boy do I ever know what that's like. I have fought many battles with my hair, sometimes won, majority lost. So I am empathizing with her, however realizing that this hiccup in our day is eating up precious time before school. So I try gently coaxing her, "Darling it looks fine." She says, "But I want my hair to look like Kambrya's." "Darling, Kambyra's hair is naturally curly." She replies, "Yes, but her hair is never poofy (not true, it incessantly poofy) and the sides of my hair are poofy." I said, "Here's your choices either it can stay like that or I can help you." Angrily she relents, "You help me." So I do, and by the obvious look on her face, it still hoovers big time. I step back, turn around and giggle, because that has been me so many times! Sorry daughter, thus begins the battle!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the conclusion

Here is the conclusion to the story from my last post. David didn't climb on the stage are cry repentance to his school (phew) but he did politely ask his teacher if he could teach his class about the gospel. Of course he got turned down, but I am so proud of him for trying. The principal told me today that David said to him, "I just want to make the world a better place." and the principal said to me, "My heart melted." So did mine and I am so proud of him, so proud of his effort, so proud of his courage. Amazing!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Crying repentance

Yesterday night we sat down as a family and watched Samuel the Lamanite from the Liken the scripture series. This is one of our favorites and it ALWAYS makes me cry at the end...(I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it) Anyway, it sparked a missionary flame inside of David and he went and got his scriptures and said, "I want to cry repentance!" So this morning, I woke up to a determined son, well actually now Joseph was on board, and they were ready to bring their scriptures to school and share the gospel. They both said they were going to skip recess to share the gospel with their teachers. Melt my stinkin' heart! So my budding missionaries started off to school with scriptures in hand. I started my day with my usual elliptical work out and soon after I get a call from Dave. He iterated that basically because of church and state, he couldn't share the gospel. I reassured him that he shared the gospel everyday by being a good example and he seemed satisfied, but then I started envisioning my child, my dear sweet innocent David, up on his proverbial wall (aka Cole elementary stage) actually crying repentance. I don't know what actually happened, I did call the school to see if the principal knew, but he didn't. Although he said he would talk to David and call me later. I can't wait to hear this!

Monday, April 11, 2011

and the results.

Remember way back in March (as my kids would say, "a long, long, long, long time ago last month.") when I said we were eliminating nachos from our nightly routine??...well our diet has changed quiet a bit and the results are in. My before weight was (yes I'm really going to tell you) was approx. 134 lbs per the doctor's scale. Enoch's before weight is sort of a mystery, he hasn't been to the doctor in years, but the last time he weighed himself he was 185ish. So the results are, I'm down 10 lbs and Enoch's (he could sneeze and lose two) under 170, a whopping 15ish lbs. So we had to literally buy him new pants, his ring is loose and so is his watch. Me, I gain most of my weight on my belly and my upper arms (I know super silly)! So my pants are loose, but dang I'll have to buy a belt because I just bought these humdingers. This was no crash diet I might add, just getting rid of fat I didn't realize was there i.e. salad dressing, sour cream, butter...or maybe I realized it was there and I wasn't ready to let it go. But I have found better substitutes, like raspberry balsamic vinegar, uh to die for on salad or rice or fish...etc Then the supersilly logic of eating less, I mean I don't need to be rolling out of the dining room after dinner. I just eat more often and only if I'm hungry. Proud of us?