Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Science Experiment (gone wrong)

So before I tell you all about mine and Enoch's science experiment, I need to give you a little background on the basis of our experiment. Enoch's parents are big bIg BIG Doterra believers. Me, not so much. I understand medicinally they can help, but in my mind, they are limited. I may be wrong, this is just simply my opinion. So, now I don't dare say I have any ailment at my in laws for fear that I will be given frankincense or eucalyptus etc fact while I was doing my hair on Sunday my pop in law told David he could cure him of his "nervous habit" of biting his nails. I later told David, "If you're nervous and you feel like biting your nails, do it so you won't be so nervous." ugh, talk about ANNOYING! keep all this in mind while I talk about our experiment. After Conference, we headed to my in laws. It became apparent about halfway through the drive that I was coming down with a cold. I told Enoch and he related that he had the very same symptoms. So we decided to conduct an experiment to see if this Doterra stuff really works. So in the morning we divulged our experiment, Enoch would use the oil and I wouldn't, to his Dad and he was already concocting something for Enoch. I was secretly smirking on the inside hahaha. So Enoch rubbed oil on his tummy and the experiment started, however three or four hours later Enoch had a splitting headache and a sore throat. He was getting a headache from the smell of the oils. So all day, literally all day he had this headache and he actually had to wash off the oil and change clothes. Inside I was laughing hysterically. The next day we were traveling home and all my symptoms were gone, no sore throat. Enoch? Well he was getting worse and for the past two nights he's been coughing and sneezing and he's pretty much miserable. So really this experiment is faulty, I realize that, but I'm just relishing in it anyway. I think Enoch would've been better off just having chicken noodle soup and peppermint tea all day.

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