Sunday, February 27, 2011

1:00 Chruch

1:00 church has it's benefits, like being able to post on your blog, sleeping in (this is awesome), making a big breakfast, putting food in the crock pot, and studying your closet for an outfit for 30 min, but seriously, I'm kinda already sick of it. However, with the boundaries being redrawn and a new ward being added to our stake building, things could get a lot worse. Such as if our ward gets the 2:00 spot or the 8:00 spot. Yikes, I've done both of those and they're not fun. Especially if your husband is in the bishopric, because at the 8:00 spot his meetings will most assuredly be after church, blech, or at 2:00, meetings before church and counting tithing BYD and home teaching after. I always feel like Sundays are marathon days around here. At any rate, we have a 50% chance of getting these times when the new boundaries are drawn and I'm dreading it. But I'm sure excited for a new building on our side of town, that will make our lives a lot easier.

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